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Women’s economic empowerment
Home /our programs/ women empowerment
We believe by order to put lasting change, vulnerable women need the skills and resources to build self-confidence, understand their rights, against discriminatory and Gender justice for them to earn an income, gain the respect of their family and community. Over the past years. Through this program, the most vulnerable women learn economic skills side by side in a way that complement each other. Through this program, HOPDEV is working with women and primarily parents of multiple children, no family or others support or networks, and skills that they can rely on to make money.
At the time a woman or girl is qualified to join our program, she learns a marketable job skill such as tailoring, soap making, bread baking, hairdressing, or poultry farming, as well as climate change in agriculture, as well as business training (the basics of starting or running a small business, working in groups, and groups’ management) to turn her chosen skill into a stable income so she can support herself, her family, and her community. After she has completed our training program (upon graduation), we continue to support her journey to empowerment and self-sufficiency through advanced training and the provision of tools and start-up grants to effectively utilize the capital for productive ends and transition into independence.
She and other trainees also receives guidance in forming or joining self-organized and self-managed savings and loan groups, The savings groups become a platform for members to not only raise awareness on important topics, but also to join together, share experiences, learn critical skills such as sexual and reproductive health, sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response, HIV/AIDS prevention, peace building, leadership, human rights, community collaboration etc.
HOPDEV is working to empower vulnerable refugee women and girls in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp.
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- hopedevinfo@gmail.com
- Malawi/dowa Dzaleka New katudza
- +(265)997898116