We Enhance Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation
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The Hope of refugee women against poverty for the social wellbeing (HOPDEV) is self- led organization and non-profit NGO working with the marginalized and vulnerable people in Dzaleka Camp and surrounding , especially women and girls and children. We focus on food security thrive in the agriculture such as maize seeds, Potato, pumpkins, beans, housing/ shelter, nutrition and income generation; rights awareness and leaderships education; water, hygiene and sanitation, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS;
environmental protection and conservation, and promoting access to equality education. HOPDEV’s work focuses on participatory, sustainable empowerment projects borne out of the needs and ambitions of the people we serve. HOPDEV also offers financial and technical assistance in the community, especially for women and girls, with empowerment and training programs in sustainable agriculture to ensure that real social change is achieved and they are equipped to advocate for their rights in the long term.
HOPDEV is working to empower vulnerable refugee women and girls in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp.
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- hopedevinfo@gmail.com
- Malawi/dowa Dzaleka New katudza
- +(265)997898116